october has been crazy for us.
i took a minute to post pictures from wesley's birthday, but there is definitely more to share... i just haven't had the time to compile it all. i'll try to now :)
three weeks ago, wes and i went with aunt tracy to an event called 'the battle of the youth'. it was pretty neat. wes really loved hanging out with the big kids and they were so nice to him.

fall has been gorgeous this year. there was a couple of weeks where we could open the windows and a refreshing breeze blew through the house. callie. really love it.
(today is 40 degrees though, no open windows anymore!)
the leaves and sky have been breath-taking.
marlee loved relaxing in the warm sunshine.
wes painted this pumpkin in aunt tracy & pawpaw's sunday school class. and, that's my meter lemon tree that i got at a flea market this summer. i think it may actually be a lime tree though? i'm not really sure. but, it looks pretty and smells citrus-y :)
last week, the elementary school where aunt tracy works had a fall carnival. we went and played games and hung out in aunt tracy's office.
this was what i saw this past sunday when i got out of the car to head into church. gorgeous!
a couple of weekends ago we went to a cookout for members of the 'praise team' at our church. i play the violin (i wish i could sing!). these gorgeous flowers were at the smokehouse. a sweet friend of my mom's always brings flowers to her.
this is what i got when i asked wes to 'give me a nice smile for a picture'. haha.
sunset from wes' bedroom, on a beautiful fall night.
last weekend we took a trip to fun depot and wes experienced 2 'firsts'. playing laser tag & climbing a rock wall (that's him on the left, soooo close to the top!).
sorry that this post is sort of jumbled and all over the place... but that is definitely how this month has felt! fun, but a little nuts!
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