Monday, July 16, 2012

starting a blog, again.

well, here i go again. i've started blogs in the past but i've never kept up with them very well. this thing called life happened and a blog turned out to be at the bottom of my priority list. i feel like i've grown up so much this past year. i hit thirty and my eyes sort of opened up. there's so much happening in our lives and i want to document it. personally, i have a horrible memory for small details, so i hope this little piece of the internet will help keep those precious, small memories alive. this is us. this is our little life.

my little houseplants getting watered (iphone image)
(because posts without pictures are booooring)


  1. Can't wait either ... always exciting to read you again <3

    1. i love you sweet friend!!!

    2. I love you too ... and your OCD about photography makes me laugh (can't believe you changed your picture already LOL) by the way I updated mine this morning ... finally!!

    3. i like the other picture of the kitchen a lot better... but it wouldn't center and that's where i'm OCD. if my whole post is centered and the picture is aligned to the left that is simply UNACCEPTABLE :) lol
